Illustration, Comics & Cartoons
We can replicate any style, work in any medium, and all the work above was produced by us. From loose pencil sketches and story boards to renaissance masters and razor sharp vectors that pop we love it all. We hope you enjoy looking around.
Large projects are no problem as we have hired and managed teams of 20 artists & developers in the past. We know how to help weed out the bad employees and find the gifted ones.
We also really enjoy character development and look forward to making your robotic cyborg mutant sci-fi fantasy character a reality. From underground Anime to mainstream Marvel we'd love to produce something unique and special for you.
The concept of hybrid publishing methods is really taking off, contact us and we can explore the options of digital distribution, interactive animations and cell phone apps.
Contact us and lets get creative!
A few of our favorites:
- Rennaisance Masters
- Editorial Illustrations
- Cartoons
- Childrens Books
- Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Character Design
- Anime & Japanese
- Comic Books
The expression of any highly refined skill is a sight to behold. Masterful technique and life long devotions to traditional fine arts have produced some of the most inspiring, recognizable, and alluring experiences available to a person. There are few pursuits that are less useful and more critical to a happy and fulfilling existence. The perceived value of aesthetic contributions will increase or we are doomed to a downward spiral.
Art is entertainment that has the power to deliver potent messages as it allows topics to become digestible with a coating of emotion that is missing from more mundane methods of communication. Never has more worthy art been overlooked then in the comic book & anime genre. Their messages have fallen on deaf ears despite the skillful mastery of their creators.